
We are proud to partner with Brown Dog Gadgets and their Crazy Circuits

At home, in the classroom or at your Makerspace.  Crazy Circuits and PodPi are both educational and a lot of fun!

What is it?

Crazy Circuits is a non-soldering electronic platform that allows kids to create circuits from almost any material they can imagine. Crazy Circuits are designed to pop on the popular LEGO bricks, enabling their creations to shine, move and make noise.


What can my kids make?

Your kids or students will be able to construct paper crafts with conductive tape, use conductive thread for sewing projects, and create art with conductive inks and paints.  Each creation can be programmed with an Arduino compatible Crazy Circuit board and integrate PodPi lessons.

Animate your creations

Rockets, airplanes, ambulances, bring all your projects to life by adding lights with LEDs and the conductive tape.  The Starter Kit contain everything necessary to get started right away. 


PodPi to the next level

Take your PodPi skills to the next level and interact with your creations.  The Arduino board from the Deluxe Set can be configured to work with all the PodPi lessons.

Parts on Table 4.jpg

Sew on projects

Build circuits and wear them or sew them on to make innovative games like a dice pillow.


Check out this video to see the kind of projects your kids can make